Friday, May 31, 2019

Shadowrun Hong Kong the best Shadowrun after Dragonfall (Avoid Shadowrun Returns)

So I've been looking and inspecting and looking and investigating

Not to mention playing...

I have concluded that Shadowrun Hong Kong is superior to all the others. Dragon Fall is good too but Avoid Shadowrun Returns.

Also, you don't need Shadowrun Returns to run any of the games. Dragonfall, Just get the directors cut, its stand alone, no need to buy.

I am thinking of making a long long awesome campaign in Dragon fall. I'll tell you more about it later.

It might go on and on like REALMS OF THE UNREAL BY HENRY DARGER! Click here if you don't know what I mean...

And I think I got a new campaign for Rules of Engagement 2 lying around some where... HEH!



Anonymous said...

No, Dragonfall is better. You can do some of the stuff from HK on DF. Just post the Oriental props there.

The matrix battles in HK suck real bad.

But do what you want. I'm looking forward to it.

Anonymous said...

They're all good

SR just needs some patches. If it doesn't work on STeam play using say

Hey! If you take my advise with regards to patches, maybe after your done with your HK campaign do another in SR!


Anonymous said...

Dragonfall is the best. It can now be run as a stand-alone. You don't need SR.

HK, they do things differently especially with the matrix, some people don't like it that way I guess.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Hong Kong has a nice campaign and other things but they messed up the Matrix.

But That's just some people's opinion. I don't care.

Anonymous said...

Hong Kong is the best. DF and SR and buggy and crash too much!

So what if the Matrix is different! I like it!

Do Hong Kong Rolland! I want to see that new campaign!

Anonymous said...

NO! Do Dragon fall!

There's nothing wrong with Shadowrun Returns! They just need patches updates and stuff like that! Can't go wrong I tell ya!

Also, You can't go wrong with DF!

Hong Kong messed up everything! The editor is also wonky! Do DF or SR instead!

Anonymous said...

Hong Kong is the best After DF.

The editor for HK is also excellent. See for yourself!


HK editor as you can see has the best Gameplay additions and ambience. As well as improved conversation (Please not too much dialog) The only problem, you can't load old sets from DF really well and you can't have a whole lot of music.Also some 3d models aren't very good.

DF, the only problem is you can't port HK stuff.

If this is a mega-campaign I recommend using both HK and DF

Anonymous said...

Lets break it down...
See what's best for you.

Shadowrun Returns
Simplest and easiest to learn.
Most limited selection of resources.
Many items on the Workshop, more difficult for new content to be recognized.
Fewest number of active players.
Dragonfall Director's Cut
Greatest amount of music.
Largest number of working 3D models (particularly outfits and disguises).
Stable and mature game engine.
Adds very useful new capabilities, such as crew advancement and Gumbo AI.
Missing some of the latest features from Hong Kong.
Hong Kong
Has the best-looking animations and 2D props.
Includes the latest gameplay improvements.
Improved conversation system makes reactive conversations easier to write.
Extremely limited selection of music.
Many 3D models are broken (missing animations, looking incorrect, or turning invisible).
Less information available for making content.

Anonymous said...

Like I said in another post, DF is just SR with new stuff added that makes it better. So yeah, make it with DF or HK OR BOTH!! WHY NOT BOTH!?

Anonymous said...

Well... Becaus as people pointed out and as a lot of tutorials mention, a lot of DF and HK maps and packs aren't compatible! If this is a single BIG BIG campaign He needs HK! Stick to it! And HK has the memory to handle it!

If he's doing multiple campaigns on either one he has to stick to either DF or HK not get them mixed up! That's how you crash the editor and the game!

Anonymous said...

Don't do aything with the music!

The biggest problem you'lll have is with copyright issues! So don't fool with it!

Even music you think is free and is free might not be free in a year or two or in a month. So don't mess with it.

That goes with your plot too Rolland. If you make a plot that is too much in sync with some movie like Bright or Johnny MNeumonic or Something like that, you could also get into trouble so be careful!

But go for it Rolland! I want to see!!